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Kelsey K. Graham, PhD

Research Entomologist                                                                                                                                                       

USDA-ARS Pollinating Insects Research Unit                                                                            

Logan, UT 84341                                                                          


Ph.D. Biology Department, Tufts University. May 2017.      

Dissertation title: “Estimating the impact of the European wool-carder bee, Anthidium manicatum, in the northeastern United States.” Advisor: Dr. Philip T. Starks

B.S. Biology and Biotechnology Major, Worcester Polytechnic Institute. May 2009.


Work Experience

Research Entomologist, USDA-ARS Pollinating Insects – Biology,           Dec. 2020 - present

Management, & Systematics Research Unit

  • Leads a research program on critical pollination issues, such as seed production (e.g. alfalfa and land restoration plants), pollination of rare or endangered plants, and improved pollination of fruit and nut crops.


USDA-NIFA postdoctoral fellow, Michigan State University.                June 2019 – Dec. 2020

  • Lead PI on $165,000 fellowship from the USDA-NIFA. Grant proposal was categorized as “Outstanding” (highest priority level for funding), due to its match with stakeholder identified needs and project outcomes that will benefit both pest management goals and pollinator health.

  • Evaluated the role that wildflower enhancements on blueberry farms have on the local insect community, both beneficial insects (natural enemies and wild bees) and pest species (spotted wing drosophila).

  • Determined pesticide exposure in wild bees foraging at wildflower enhancements on commercial blueberry farms by measuring pesticide drift.

  • Developed extension documents and educational programming for blueberry growers on Integrated Pest and Pollinator Management (IPPM).


Research Associate, Dept. of Entomology, Michigan State University.     May 2017 - June 2019

  • Managed a $1 Million USDA-NIFA funded project with seven collaborating labs.

  • Measured pesticide exposure for managed bees (honey bees and bumble bees) in blueberry fields, and evaluated the surrounding landscape as indicators of risk.

  • Evaluated changes in Michigan wild bee communities across diverse landscapes through sampling and comparison to historic records.

  • Measured the benefits of pollinator plantings in blueberry fields and tart cherry orchards for managed bumble bees (Bombus impatiens) and leaf-cutter bees (Megachile spp.).

  • Evaluated landscape change as a driver of wild bee decline in Michigan.

  • Monitored for economically important bloom time pests, cherry and cranberry fruitworms, on blueberry farms under varying management strategies.

  • Evaluated strategies for reducing European foulbrood infection in commercial honey bee colonies following blueberry bloom contracts.

  • Determined pollinator health priorities in Michigan through creation of regional pollinator health stakeholder groups.

  • Delivered grower and beekeeper educational programs to improve pollination in Michigan specialty crops while maintaining pest suppression.


Graduate Student, Dept. of Biology, Tufts University.                              Aug. 2011-May 2017

  • Used habitat suitability modeling to estimate habitat preferences and predict future spread of the invasive bee, Anthidium manicatum.

  • Tested the impact of A. manicatum presence on the foraging behavior and reproductive fitness of Bombus impatiens.

  • Evaluated the relationship between A. manicatum and its most common source of nesting material, Stachys byzantina (lamb’s ear), through a combination of behavioral studies, field sampling, and plant chemistry analysis.


Peer-Reviewed Publications (available upon request)

Bloom EH, Graham KK, Haan NL, Heck AR, Milbrath MO, Szendrei Z, Isaacs R. (2021) Responding to the US national pollinator plan: a case study in Michigan. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.

Graham KK, Milbrath MO, Zhang Y, Soehnlen A, Baert N, McArt S, Isaacs R. (2021) Identities, concentrations, and sources of pesticide exposure in pollen collected by managed bees during blueberry bloom. Scientific Reports, 11(1): 1-13.

Graham KK, Gibbs J, Wilson J, May E, Issacs R. (2021) Resampling of wild bees across fifteen years reveals variable species declines and recoveries after extreme weather. Agriculture, Ecosystems, & Environment, 317.

Graham KK, Albert J, Peake A*, Killewald M*, Zavalnitskaya J*, Wilson J, Isaacs R. (2020) Wildflower plantings on fruit farms provide pollen resources and increase nesting by stem-nesting bees. Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 23(2): 222-231.

Woodard SH, Federman S, … Graham KK, et al. (2020) Toward a national program for monitoring native bees: Pollinator declines threaten human food security and the stability of native plant communities. Biological Conservation.


Killewald MF*, Rowe LM, Graham KK, Wood T, Isaacs R. (2019) Use of Nest and Pollen Resources by Leafcutter Bees, Genus Megachile (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) in Central Michigan. The Great Lakes Entomologist, 52(1&2):34-44.


Wood T, Killewald MF*, Graham KK, Gibbs J, and Isaacs R. (2019) Epeoloides pilosulus (Cresson) rediscovered in Michigan, with notes on the distribution and status of its Macropis hosts. The Great Lakes Entomologist, 52(1&2):1-5.


Wood T, Gibbs J, Graham KK, and Isaacs R. (2019) Narrow pollen diets are associated with declining Midwestern bumble bee species. Ecology, 100(6).


Graham KK, Eaton K*, Obrien I*, and Starks PT. (2018) Anthidium manicatum, an invasive bee, excludes a native bumble bee, Bombus impatiens, from resources. Biological Invasions, 21(4):1089-1099.


Graham KK. (2018) Heterospecific Hymenoptera found inside the nests of Bombus impatiens (Hymenoptera: Apidae). The Great Lakes Entomologist, 51(1&2).


Graham KK, and Maclean MG. (2018) Presence-only modeling is ill-suited for a recent generalist invader, Anthidium manicatum. Ecological Indicators, 89:56-62.


Graham KK, Brown S*, Clarke SF*, Röse U, and Starks PT. (2017) The European wool-carder bee (Anthidium manicatum) eavesdrops on plant volatile organic compounds (VOCs) during trichome collection. Behavioural Processess, 144:5-12.


Brown R, Payne A, Graham KK, and Starks PT. (2012) Prey capture and caste-specific payload capacities in the European paper wasp Polistes dominulus. Insectes Sociaux, 59:519-525.


Kim HS, Sherman DK, Sasaki JY, Xu J, Chu TQ, Ryu C, Suh EM, Graham KK, and Taylor SE. (2010). Culture, distress, and oxytocin receptor polymorphism (OXTR) interact to influence emotional support seeking. PNAS, 107(36):15717-15721.


*Undergraduate students where I was their primary mentor.


Research Grants and Awards

Graham KK, Hageman K. Using pesticide fate models to guide application timing and improve alfalfa seed yields. National Alfalfa & Forage Alliance, 2021 Alfalfa Checkoff Funds, $55,107, 2021-2023.

Graham KK, Walsh D. Identifying causes of sub-optimal alfalfa seed pollination by Nomia melanderi, the alkali bee. Alfalfa Pollinator Research Initiative, $25,000, 2021-2022.

Graham KK. Pollinator plantings: oasis or pesticide trap? USDA-NIFA postdoctoral fellowship, $165,000, 2019-2021.


Graham KK, Fanning P, Garcia-Salazar C, Longstroth M, Grieshop M, and Isaacs R. Informing best management practices to reduce non-crop pesticide exposure for bees. North Central IPM Center, Critical Issues Grant, $50,000, 2019-2020.


Isaacs R, Graham KK, Milbrath M, Albert J, Longstroth M, and Garcia-Salazar C. Improving pollination of Michigan blueberries. Michigan Blueberry Commission, $20,000, 2019-2020.


Graham KK, Milbrath M, Wood T, Fanning P, Longstroth M, Garcia-Salazar C, and Isaacs R. Managing pests during bloom while reducing pesticide risk to bees: towards best management practices for blueberry pollination. Project GREEEN, $80,000, 2018-2020.


Graham KK. Recipient of the PLOS Ecology Reporting Fellowship. $500, 2016. One of five graduate students chosen nationwide to represent PLOS through social media and blog posts covering ESA 2016.


Graham KK. Bee battles: how a recent invader is affecting the fitness of a native pollinator. Tufts University, Graduate Student Research Award, $1000, 2016.


Graham KK, Forde-Tuckett V, Obrien I, Boyden S, Lindell K, Starks PT. Presence of an invasive bee, Anthidium manicatum, changes the foraging behavior of a native pollinator. Tufts University, Ph.D Student Poster Competition for Travel Fellowships, $500, 2016. Second prize.


Graham KK. Bee battles: are our native bees losing the fight for resources? Crowdfunding (, $2600, 2015-2017.


Graham KK. Is the European wool-carder bee (Anthidium manicatum) a problem species? Sigma Xi, Grants-in-Aid of Research, $700, 2014.


Graham KK. Is the European wool-carder bee (Anthidium manicatum) a problem species?  Tufts University, Graduate Student Research Award, $1000, 2014.


Graham KK. Estimating range and abundance of a recent solitary bee invader – Anthidium manicatum. Tufts Institute of the Environment, Data Collection Travel Grant, $500, 2014.


Graham KK. The World of the Wool-carder Bee. Tufts University, Graduate Student Research Symposium, $100, 2014. First prize, video submission.


Graham KK. Investigation Into a Recent North American Invader, Anthidium manicatum (Linnaeus) (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae). Animal Behavior Society, Student Award, $1000, 2013.  


Graham KK. Determining genetic diversity of the exotic invasive Anthidium manicatum. Tufts University, Graduate Student Research Award, $700, 2013.


Graham KK. Evaluating the impact of Anthidium manicatum on local ecosystems. NSF GRFP, 2013, Honorable Mention


Invited Talks

Graham KK, Milbrath M, Isaacs R. (October, 2021) Pesticides and bees in a changing fruit cropping system, thinking beyond the focal farm. Invited symposium: Tradeoffs of Adapting to a Changing World: From Physiological to Behavioral Transformations. 2021 Entomological Society of America’s Annual Meeting.

Graham KK (June 2021) Pesticide Exposure During Blueberry Pollination. NAPPC Pesticide Task Force Meeting.

Graham KK, Gibbs J, and Isaacs R. (March, 2019) Monitoring changes in native bee communities in Michigan, with a focus on agricultural landscapes. Invited symposium: Pollinators and Biological Control: Overlap and Reciprocal Insights. North Central Branch Meeting, Entomological Society of America, Cincinatti, OH.


Graham KK, Milbrath M, and Isaacs R. (March, 2019) Pesticide exposure in managed bees during blueberry bloom, with implications for bee health. Invited symposium: Monitoring, Mitigation, and Miticide: What IPM strategies improve honey bee and native bee health? North Central Branch Meeting, Entomological Society of America, Cincinatti, OH.


Graham KK. (April, 2018) Estimating the impact of the invasive European wool-carder bee in North America. Seminar talk at Michigan State University, Department of Entomology.


Graham KK. (February, 2015) Is Anthidium manicatum (the European wool-carder bee) a problem species in North America? Guest lecture in Behavioral Ecology course at University of New Hampshire.


Graham KK. (September, 2014) The neighborhood just isn’t what it used to be: How an invasive bee (Anthidium manicatum) is changing bumble bee foraging patterns. Seminar talk at Tufts University, Department of Biology.


Graham KK. (April, 2014) Behavioral attributes of a recently introduced solitary bee – Anthidium manicatum (the European wool-carder bee). Guest lecture in Behavioral Ecology course at University of New Hampshire.


Graham KK. (November, 2013) Modeling range expansion of an invasive bee, Anthidium manicatum. Seminar talk at Tufts University, Department of Biology.


Graham KK. (September, 2012) Carding behavior in the European wool-carder bee. Seminar talk at Tufts University, Department of Biology.


Graham KK. (January, 2012) Extinction prediction for NZ extinct bird species. Seminar talk at Tufts University, Department of Biology.


Conference Presentations


Graham KK, Milbrath MO, Zhang Y, Soehnlen A, Baert N, McArt S, Isaacs R (Nov 2020) Variable pesticide exposure in pollen collected by honey bees and bumble bees during blueberry bloom: risk from crop and non-crop sources. Oral presentation at the 2020 Entomological Society of America’s Virtual Annual Meeting.


Graham KK, Greer J, Milbrath M, Isaacs R (July 2019) Pesticide exposure of bumble bees in highbush blueberry is driven by pest management strategy and landscape composition. Poster at the 2019 International Conference on Pollinator Biology, Health, and Policy, Davis, CA.


Graham KK (January 2019) Assessing the health of Michigan pollinators. Oral presentation at the Annual Stewardship Network Conference, East Lansing, MI.


Graham KK, Gibbs J, and Isaacs R (November 2018) Monitoring changes in native bee communities in Michigan, with a focus on agricultural landscapes. Oral presentation at the ESA, ESC, and ESBC Join Annual Meeting (Entomology 2018), Vancouver, BC.


Graham KK, Gibbs J, and Isaacs R (August 2018) Changes in wild bee diversity and abundance in highbush blueberry between 2004-2017. Oral presentation at the North American Blueberry Research and Extension Workers Conference, Orono, ME.


Graham KK, Eaton K, Obrien I, and Starks PT (October 2017) Anthidium manicatum, an invasive bee, excludes native bumble bees from resources, with potential impacts on pollination. Poster at the 2nd National Conference - Protecting Pollinators in an Urban Landscape, Traverse City, MI. 


Graham KK, Manning K, Oleynik R, Edwards K, and Isaacs R (September 2017) Tracking the abundance of wild bees in Michigan blueberry fields. Poster* at the Michigan Regional Postdoctoral Symposium, Detroit, MI. *Awarded 3rd place prize.


Graham KK (August 2016) Presence of an invasive bee, Anthidium manicatum, changes the foraging behavior of a native pollinator (Bombus impatiens). Oral presentation at the 101st Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 


Graham KK, Ford-Tuckett V, Obrien I, Boyden S, Lindell K, and Starks, PT. (July 2016) Presence of an invasive bee, Anthidium manicatum, changes the foraging behavior of a native pollinator (Bombus impatiens). Poster at the 2016 International Conference on Pollinator Biology, Health and Policy, State College, PA. 


Graham KK, Forde-Tuckett V, Obrien I, Boyden S, Lindell K, Starks, PT. (October 2015) BEE BATTLES: Are our native pollinators losing the war for resources? Poster at the First National Conference on Protecting Pollinators in Ornamental Landscapes, Hendersonville, NC.


Graham KK, Forde-Tuckett V, Burruss G, and Starks PT. (June 2015) Behavioral changes in bumble bees (Bombus impatiens) due to a solitary bee invader (Anthidium manicatum). Oral presentation at the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Animal Behavior Society, Anchorage, Alaska.


Graham KK, Forde-Tuckett V, Burruss G, and Starks PT. (August 2014) Impact of an invasive bee (Anthidium manicatum) on foraging decisions in bumble bees (Bombus impatiens). Oral presentation at the International Society for Behavioral Ecology, New York, NY.


Graham KK, Brown S, Roese USR, Starks PT. (July 2013) Estimating the impact of a recent invader: The European wool-carder bee (Anthidium manicatum). Poster at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Animal Behavior Society, Boulder, Colorado.


Graham KK, Brown S, Roese USR, Starks PT. (March 2013) Investigation the relationship between an ornamental plant and an introduced pollinator:  Stachys byzantina (lamb’s ear) and Anthidium manicatum (European wool-carder bee). Poster at the Entomological Society of America, Eastern Branch Meeting, Lancaster, PA.


Graham KK and Reed JM. (October 2012) Estimated Dates of Recent Extinction of New Zealand Birds. Poster at the Student Conference on Conservation Science Symposia, New York, NY. 


Graham KK, Brown R, Payne A, and Starks PT. (October 2012) Prey capture and caste-specific payload capacities in Polistes dominulus. Poster at the International Society for the Study of Social Insects, North American Section, Greensboro, NC


Graham KK, Brown R, Payne A, and Starks PT. (June 2012) Prey capture and caste-specific payload capacities in Polistes dominulus. Poster at the 49th Annual Meeting of the Animal Behavior Society, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico. 


Graham KK, Reed JM. (December 2011) Estimated Dates of Recent Extinction of New Zealand Birds. Oral presentation and poster* at the 6th Biology New England South (BioNES) Conference, Roger Williams University, Rhode Island. *Received an award for Significant Scientific Contribution.


Extension Presentations

Graham KK, Milbrath M, and Isaacs R. (2019) Conserving wild bees on blueberry farms. Invited speaker. Great Lakes Expo, Grand Rapids, MI; premiere show for fruit and vegetable growers, greenhouse growers and farm marketers.


Graham KK and Heck A. (2019) Assessing the health of Michigan Pollinators. Great Lakes Pollinator Health Project. Saginaw area regional stakeholder meeting, Frankenmuth, MI.


Graham KK and Heck A. (2019) Assessing the health of Michigan Pollinators. Great Lakes Pollinator Health Project. Southwest regional stakeholder meeting, West Olive, MI.


Graham KK and Heck A. (2019) Assessing the health of Michigan Pollinators. Great Lakes Pollinator Health Project. Northwest regional stakeholder meeting, Traverse City, MI.


Graham KK, Albert J, and Milbrath M. (2019) Improving the health of pollinators: a focus on bloom-time risk mitigation. Grower Educational Meeting, Oceana, Mason-Lake & Manistee Conservation Districts, Scottville, MI; Meeting was approved for Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program (MAEAP) Phase 1 credit.


Graham KK, Wilson J, Isaacs R, Gibbs J, and May E. (2018) Trends in wild bee communities in Michigan Blueberry fields. Poster. Great Lakes Expo, Grand Rapids, MI; premiere show for fruit and vegetable growers, greenhouse growers and farm marketers.


Isaacs R, Graham KK, Milbrath M, Fanning P, Albert J, Garcia-Salazar C, and Longstroth M. (2018) Managing pests during bloom while reducing pesticide risk to bees: towards best management practices for blueberry pollination. Michigan Blueberry Commission annual meeting, Grand Rapids, MI.


Graham KK. (2018) Great Lakes Pollinator Health Project. Great Lakes Pollinator Health Project. Northwest regional stakeholder meeting, Traverse City, MI.


Graham KK. (2018) Great Lakes Pollinator Health Project. Great Lakes Pollinator Health Project. East-central regional stakeholder meeting, Frankenmuth, MI.


Graham KK. (2018) Great Lakes Pollinator Health Project. West-central stakeholder meeting, West Olive, MI.

Isaacs R, Landis D, Milbrath M, Gut L, Szendrei Z, Wilson J, Zhang A, Graham K, Wood T, Albert J, Ziegler A, Perrone J, and Gibbs J. (2017) Enhancing Great Lakes Landscapes for Healthy Pollinators. Poster. Great Lakes Expo, Grand Rapids, MI.


Leadership Experience

Postdocs in Entomology (PiE), Michigan State University, Dept. of Entomology. (2018-2020), Founder and co-president.


MSU Postdoctoral Association Newsletter, Michigan State University; Monthly periodical with a circulation of 500. Details relevant events and opportunities for the postdoc community, and highlights postdoc accomplishments. (2017-2019), Editor.


Native Bee Monitoring Workshop, USDA; working group to develop a strategy for a national bee monitoring program. (2018), Invited participant.


Communication and Outreach for the Postdoctoral Association, Michigan State University. (2017-2020), Committee member (2017 & 2019), Chair (2018-2020).


Postdoctoral Association, Michigan State University. (2017-2020), Steering committee member.


Conservation Behavior Workshop, Animal Behavior Society; helped organize and run a full day workshop at the annual


Animal Behavior Society conference, with a focus on human-wildlife conflict. (2013), Committee member and organizer.


Biology Union of Graduate Students, Tufts University, Dept. of Biology. (2011-2017), Executive committee (2012-2013).


Graduate Student Council, Tufts University. (2012-2013), Elected Representative.


Graduate Student Council, Tufts University. (Spring 2013), Interim Social Committee Chair.


Ecology Reading Group for Graduate Students, Tufts University. (2011-2017), Member; (2012-2013), Coordinator.



Pollination Education Talk, Fort River Elementary (Amherst, MA); talked (virtually) to two classes of second graders about bees and pollination (Dec. 2021), Presenter.

Science Night, Glencairn Elementary (East Lansing, MI); information booth about bees (Feb. 2020), Volunteer.

Letters to a Pre-Scientist, Scientist penpal (2018-current), Volunteer.

Biology on Tap, Lansing MI Chapter; Bee Conservation (2019), Presenter.

Science Night, Pinecrest Elementary (East Lansing, MI); informational booth about bees. (2019), Volunteer.

BeePalooza, MSU Dept. of Entomology (East Lansing, MI); interactive, educational event about pollinators (2019), Volunteer.

MSU Science Festival, Michigan State University (East Lansing, MI). (2019), Presenting scientist.

Science Night, Marble Elementary (East Lansing, MI); informational booth about bees. (2019), Volunteer.

Girls in Stem, Michigan State University (East Lansing, MI). (2019), Presenting scientist.

Skype-A-Scientist, The Skokie School (Winnetka, IL). (2019), Speaker.     


Wild Ones (Red Cedar Chapter), Fenner Nature Center (Lansing, MI); overview of research on pollinator health in Michigan. (2019), Invited speaker.

Science Night, Red Cedar Elementary School (East Lansing, MI); informational booth about bees. (2018), Volunteer.  

Agriculture Day, Johnson’s Giant Pumpkins (Saginaw, MI); invited booth on wild bees. (2018), Booth organizer/Volunteer.

Science Night, Fairview Elementary School (Lansing, MI); featured presenter on careers related to bees. (2018), Volunteer.

Capital Area Audubon Meeting, Fenner Nature Center (Lansing, MI); presentation on the native bees of Michigan, and ongoing research. (2018), Invited speaker.

Science Night, Bennett Woods Elementary (Okemos, MI); informational booth about evolution. (2018), Volunteer.

Science Night, Glencairn Elementary School (East Lansing, MI); informational booth about bees. (2017), Volunteer.  

Native Pollinator Workshop, W.K. Kellogg Bird Sanctuary (Augusta, MI); provided a brief introduction to research, and tips for conserving wild pollinators. Ticketed event. (2017), Pollinator expert.

BeePalooza, MSU Dept. of Entomology (East Lansing, MI); interactive, educational event about pollinators (2017), Volunteer.

Biology on Tap, Lansing MI Chapter; presented pollinator research to a general audience (2017), Presenter.

Tour de Hives, Boston Area Beekeepers Association; bike ride to bee related sites (2016), Host.

Pollinator Health Project, Sanborn Regional High School (Kingston, NH); full day workshop with high school students about pollinator conservation (2015), Science leader.

Pollinator Research Updates, Boston Area Beekeeper Association; numerous research outreach events (2014-2015), Co-host.

Bee BioBlitz, University of New Hampshire; (2015), Participant.

Worcester County Spring Beekeeper's Conference, Knights of Columbus (Leicester, MA). (2014), Attendee.

It’s a Bug’s World, Entomological Society of America, Northeast chapter; full day outreach event for the community (2013), Volunteer.

Science Club for Girls, King Open School (Cambridge, MA). (2012), Mentor scientist (Volunteer).


Science Communication



Graham, Kelsey K. Pollinator health meetings to provide update on great lakes pollinator health project. MSU Extension. February 22, 2019.


Graham, Kelsey K. Beyond honey bees: Wild bees are also key pollinators, and some species are disappearing. The Conversation. May 22, 2018.


Graham, Kelsey K. Providing pollinator habitat in wetlands. Association of Massachusetts Wetland Scientists Newsletter. May 2017.


Graham, Kelsey K. How are pollinators faring with Anthropogenic change? PLOS Blogs. August 29, 2016.


Graham, Kelsey K. Invasion Ecology at ESA 2016. PLOS Blogs. August 29, 2016.


Graham, Kelsey K. With disappearing sea ice, polar bears spend more time on land. PLOS Blogs. August 10, 2016.


Graham, Kelsey K. Bee battles: why our native pollinators are losing the war. The Conversation. May 6, 2015.



Graham, Kelsey K. “Wild Bees of Michigan” Michigan State University Extension. 25 Jun. 2020


Graham, Kelsey K. “Wild Bees” Michigan State University, Cabin Fever Conversations. 8 May 2020.


Media interviews

How a warmer climate is affecting southwest Michigan wildlife, from birds to maple trees” – By Sehvilla Mann, WMUK 102.1, NPR, 14 Mar. 2019.

As some species struggle, MSU holds meetings on ‘Pollinator Health’” – By Sehvilla Mann, WMUK 102.1, NPR, 28 Feb. 2019.

The Bee Population” – InfoTrak, TalkZone. 29 Sept. 2018.

The Secret Lives of Michigan’s Native Bees” – Stateside, Michigan Radio NPR. 25 Jun. 2018

Pollinator Power: Research project assesses honeybees, wild bees, monarchs” – By Sheri McWhirter, Traverse City Record Eagle. 5 May 2018

Researchers visit area to net wild bee data” – By Arielle Breen, Gaylord Herald Times. 7 Jun. 2018

Enhancing Great Lakes Landscapes For Healthy Pollinators” – Fed By Science, Universities Alliance for Agricultural Science.


Other science communication outlets

Research Blog: Great Lakes, Great Bees; featuring posts about bees and ongoing research in the Isaacs lab. (est. 2017), Creator, curator, and contributor, 2017-2020.


Blog posts directly to financial backers of my research through; Project title: “Bee battles: are our native bees losing the fight for resources?”.

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