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Research Funding and Awards - 

Graham KK. Pollinator plantings: oasis or pesticide trap? USDA-NIFA postdoctoral fellowship, $165,000, 2019-2021.

Graham KK, Fanning P, Garcia-Salazar C, Longstroth M, Grieshop M, and Isaacs R. Informing best management practices to reduce non-crop pesticide exposure for bees. North Central IPM Center, Critical Issues Grant, $50,000, 2019-2020.

Isaacs R, Graham KK, Milbrath M, Albert J, Longstroth M, and Garcia-Salazar C. Improving pollination of Michigan blueberries. Michigan Blueberry Commission, $20,000, 2019-2020.

Graham KK, Milbrath M, Wood T, Fanning P, Longstroth M, Garcia-Salazar C, and Isaacs R. Managing pests during bloom while reducing pesticide risk to bees: towards best management practices for blueberry pollination. Project GREEEN, $80,000, 2018-2020.

Graham KK. Recipient of the PLOS Ecology Reporting Fellowship. $500, 2016. One of five graduate students chosen nationwide to represent PLOS through social media and blog posts covering ESA 2016.

Graham KK. Bee battles: how a recent invader is affecting the fitness of a native pollinator. Tufts University, Graduate Student Research Award, $1000, 2016.

Graham KK, Forde-Tuckett V, Obrien I, Boyden S, Lindell K, Starks PT. Presence of an invasive bee, Anthidium manicatum, changes the foraging behavior of a native pollinator. Tufts University, Ph.D Student Poster Competition for Travel Fellowships, $500, 2016. Second prize.

Graham KK. Bee battles: are our native bees losing the fight for resources? Crowdfunding (, $2600, 2015-2017.

Graham KK. Is the European wool-carder bee (Anthidium manicatum) a problem species? Sigma Xi, Grants-in-Aid of Research, $700, 2014.

Graham KK. Is the European wool-carder bee (Anthidium manicatum) a problem species?  Tufts University, Graduate Student Research Award, $1000, 2014.

Graham KK. Estimating range and abundance of a recent solitary bee invader – Anthidium manicatum. Tufts Institute of the Environment, Data Collection Travel Grant, $500, 2014.

Graham KK. The World of the Wool-carder Bee. Tufts University, Graduate Student Research Symposium, $100, 2014. First prize, video submission.

Graham KK. Investigation Into a Recent North American Invader, Anthidium manicatum (Linnaeus) (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae). Animal Behavior Society, Student Award, $1000, 2013.  

Graham KK. Determining genetic diversity of the exotic invasive Anthidium manicatum. Tufts University, Graduate Student Research Award, $700, 2013.

Graham KK. Evaluating the impact of Anthidium manicatum on local ecosystems. NSF GRFP, 2013, Honorable Mention

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